By joining 1199SEIU, thousands of healthcare workers have won the best job standards and patient protections:


Wages and Benefits

✔️Higher pay & ongoing raises

✔️Differentials for advanced skill levels, certifications & years of service

✔️More PTO

✔️Affordable family healthcare

✔️Secure retirement

✔️Affordable childcare

✔️COVID-19 rights

Job Standards

✔️No-cost or low-cost education and training opportunities

✔️Job protections, including bans on subcontracting

✔️Professional Practice Committees of coworkers that address work issues


Covid-19 Rights

We’ve fought for worker protections during the COVID-19 public health crisis & won:

✔️ Covid-19 testing for all healthcare workers that need it

✔️90-day PPE supply at all hospitals

✔️14-day paid leave

✔️Free childcare

✔️Free Airbnb

Government Voice

Our jobs, and healthcare, are highly regulated, and 1199SEIU is the most influential voice for hospital workers in the government and regulatory arena. We’ve fought for and won:

✔️Healthcare funding

✔️Patients’ rights

✔️Licensure for laboratory practitioners, respiratory therapists, & social workers


These efforts are guided by our principles that solutions must be team-based, enforceable, establish strict limits on use of mandatory overtime, protect patients, and engage workers. Together, labor and management can establish flexible staffing standards that fully account for patient acuity and individual clinical assessments.

For questions about joining 1199SEIU, contact: Robert Holland (518) 491-7678